Massage Therapy

Massage in Dalkey

What is Massage Therapy?

When performed by a licensed massage therapist, massage therapy involves using different movements, pressures and techniques to manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues in the body. With a goal of slowing down your nervous system, massage therapy can be used to release stress and tension, provide relief from symptoms, heal injuries and support wellness.

At Wildgoose Wellness in Dalkey we have an exceptional licensed massage therapist, Makia Williams. Makia has over 12 years of experience both in dynamic wellness clinics and spa environments developing high quality techniques and skills. She has garnered respect and recognition from professors, peers and clients alike from California where she began her journey all the way to Ireland where she now practises and is licensed by the IMTA (the Irish Massage Therapists Association) which is a highly respected professional body, providing self-regulation for the massage and bodywork industry in Ireland.

What massage treatments do you offer?

Makia specialises in a wide range of massage techniques including:

  • Deep Tissue Massage
  • Swedish Massage
  • Sports Massage
  • Neuromuscular
  • Myofascial Release
  • Visceral Manipulation
  • Structural Integration
  • Reflexology
  • Menopause Massage
  • Sinus Massage
  • Buccal Massage (aids TMJ pain)
  • Anatomical Awareness
  • She is a Reiki Master of 15+ years
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physiotherapy dalkey
physiotherapy dalkey

© Wildgoose Wellness 2021